Sunday, January 29, 2012

It's not natural for man to fly!

As I got ready for my second flight up on the Cessna172P, I was very excited because this would be my first "Official" logged hour. I have flown several other times unofficially, I was finally going to get my first hour in my log book. Unfortunately, I don't have a medical or logbook at this training session. Fairly enough my instructor agreed to place the hour in the logbook once I got my medical and a logbook to write it in! Awesome.

As we walked out out to the airplane I could not help but feel excited. The weather was about 50degrees and the Gusts where only 8-14knots. My first flight the gusts were 18-25knots! very windy, lots of turbulence and now you can understand why I was excited! my stomach would stay in place! lol lol 

Cessna 172P - Took this as I got to the plane.

As we hurried down the runway and got off the ground, my instructor handed me the controls. I was a bit nervous because the ascend was quick and the climb was happening very fast. Since we were still in the airports airspace I did not feel comfortable and asked the instructor to take the controls.

As we got to our training airspace about 15-30 miles from the airport, I had the controls and as I looked to the ground and out to the horizon I could not help but think about God and what he could do as I soared in his neighborhood at 2300 feet up in the air and 5,000 RPM's. 

I realized I was messing with nature, I thought "I'm not a bird its not natural for me to be this far above ground! with one gust of wind  God could lay me on top of the trees below and I could be DEAD!"

A moment later, a peace came over me (Im not sure why) and I realized God wouldn't do that, my father has been flying for 37 years and he never allowed anything to happen to him. I felt total confidence at that second and began to maneuver the airplane as instructed by the trainer.

As we landed on the ground, I was very proud because I had a total new respect for God, his power and nature.

Jason Anthony Rodriguez - FWJ

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